--> Royal Victoria Hospital
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Royal Victoria Hospital - Research References and Acknowledgements

Acknowlegements and References
(1) Williamson, J. Tuberculosis revisited-or-How we nearly conquered tuberculosis. 2008.
Link to https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/003693300004500609
(2)Robert Fortescue Fox - The Coming of Physical Medicine. A memorial to Sir Robert Philip.
(3) Historic Scotland. Extracts from unpublished survey of Hospitals c 1990.
4) Charles Dickson, of RVH staff, for his supply of many photographs many still to be shown.
(5) RVH for permission to examine/photograph the many photographs and documents hanging in the main reception and WRVS canteen.
(6) City of Edinburgh Planning archives for various plans.
(7) RCAHMS for access to aerial photographs.
7) Map Library Edinburgh.
(8) Scotsman archives.
(9) Lothian Health Service Archive staff.
(10) Royal College Physicians Edinburgh.
(11) A History of the Western General Hospital (Edinburgh) by Martin Eastwood and Anne Jenkinson. J. Donald Publishers Ltd Edinburgh.
(12) "The Court of the Lord Lyon", in particular Bruce Gorie, Secretary to the Lyon's Office.
My thanks to the many people I have met and spoken with on the telephone and who have given me good advice on how/where to contact people with some knowledge of the RVH complex.

If I have omitted to acknowledge anyone or anything, my apologies.
If you see any errors, mistakes or have further information please feel free to send me an email: Contact Me